Privacy Policy

Data Controller’s Duty to Provide Information, David Komárek, a company with its registered office at Nad Závěrkou 771/12, 169 00, Praha 6 (hereinafter “PraguebyDavid”), hereby informs you about the manner in which it processes your personal data in connection with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation; the GDPR).

1. Who controls my personal data? If you are a customer of PraguebyDavid, a visitor to the website of PraguebyDavid a person included in the mailing database of PraguebyDavid or you are otherwise dealing with PraguebyDavid (e.g. in connection with the provision of tourist guide services for PraguebyDavid), PraguebyDavid is in the position of the controller of your personal data.

2. How can I contact my personal data controller? You can contact PraguebyDavid as the controller, at the following address:
PraguebyDavid, David Komárek, Nad Závěrkou 771/12, 169 00, Praha 6
Tel.: +420 602 226 545

3. Who is the data protection officer at PraguebyDavid? Since we are not a public authority, we are not obliged to have a data protection officer and we currently have no person appointed as data protection officer.

4. When can I, as a citizen, address PraguebyDavid in the matter of personal data protection? If you believe that we are processing your personal data at variance with the legal regulations, you may contact us with a complaint.

5. Why does PraguebyDavid process my personal data? We process your personal data usually for the purpose of performing our contract (e.g. if you have purchased on-line a ticket to one of our tours).
From among your personal data, we also process the IP address of the device from which you placed your order.
Furthermore, we process data on the behaviour of your IP address on our website using the Google Analytics tool. We use anonymised data for the purposes of monitoring the visitor rates at our website.

6. Do you transfer or share my personal data to/with other entities? We share personal data on our customers, or rather usually only on the group leader, to the necessary extent with specific guides, road and water transport companies, and other suppliers for the purposes of performing our contract.
The personal data are also available to Prague Inspiration, s.r.o., which operates an on-line ordering portal and with which we have entered into the relevant agreements under the applicable provisions of the GDPR.
All data, including customers’ personal data, are stored on cloud servers in the EU. These services are supplied to us by external supplier HostingSolutions., with whom we have concluded agreements according to the applicable provisions of the GDPR and who does not have physical access to these data.
Our IT service provider may also have access to your personal data.

7. Do you transfer my personal data to third countries? We do not transfer your personal data to third countries, i.e. countries outside the European Union.

8. I believe that you are not processing my personal data correctly. In that case, you can contact us directly or you may file a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the Office for Personal Data Protection.

9. What are my rights towards you as the controller of my personal data? You can request at any time that we:
◦ enable you to access your personal data;
◦ rectify your personal data which are not accurate;
◦ erase your personal data if the conditions set out in Article 17 GDPR have been met, or restrict their processing.

10. What is the substance of the right of access to personal data? You can ask us to inform you whether we process your personal data. You can request access to the personal data being processed and information on processing of such data. You can ask us to provide a copy of the personal data being processed.

11. Can I ask for access to someone else’s personal data? You cannot. This right applies only to you. If you wish to exercise another person’s right, you must have a power of attorney from that person.

12. How shall I submit such a request? You can submit a request in any manner, i.e. also by e-mail. However, the authorised employee is obliged to determine your identity and, therefore, he/she may request that you identify yourself.

13. What is the deadline for PraguebyDavid’s reply? We will inform you of the measures we have adopted usually within thirty days. However, in some complicated cases, we may extend this period.

14. How much does the request cost? The request and reply are free of charge. Nevertheless, in justified cases, we may claim reimbursement of certain costs (e.g. the price of a portable disk on which we will provide to you a list of all personal data we process on you).

15. I have granted consent to personal data processing to PraguebyDavid and want to revoke it. We usually do not request consent to processing of personal data from the customers as we process your data on other legal grounds, especially for the purposes of performing our contract. However, if you grant consent to processing of certain personal data, you may revoke your consent at any time. However, this in no way prejudices the lawfulness of processing of personal data based on consent granted prior to its revoking. This means that processing of personal data is lawful until the consent is revoked.