About Me

My name is David. I was born in late 70‘s in a communist era.

I didn’t suffered much as a child living in a totality regime. I had a great childhood with some studying and doing many kinds of sports and outdoor activities.
When The Velvet revolution, the time of a big change when Czech republic became free from the communist regime, came in 1989 I was 13 years old and just left a primary school.

I started to study a high school of travel business which was a great experience to start meeting foreign tourists and travel abroad.
Iused to work with my fahter during my studies of a high school . He opened a little hotel in Prague so we used to come to an international train station in Prague to get some guests to his hotel.
It was a time when internet wasn’t born so this „headhunting“ was a way how to get guests.
It was a great school of life for me. Languages, meeting people, direct sale of services for foreigners.

After a few years I left my father business and started my own – airport transfer services.
Created a website, PragueAirport-Transfer.com with an online booking.
Not only transfers but some guiding too.
Things went well and growed until Covid came.

Covid freezed the business in services so I worked as a carpenter with one of my friends. I have enjoyed that very much.
I always loved to work manually.

Tourism is slowly awakening since 2022 so I came back to do what I’m good at and what I like.
I love Prague and I love my country Czech Republic a lot. I have travelled a lot in the country so I have a good knowledge about it from historical facts, architecture, tradditional cuisine up to nature beauties.
I love to present it to those coming here.

English and some basic German are the languages helping me to be a good ambassador of my country.
There are hundreds of my satisfied clients which makes me proud and keeps me being a „Prague Connection“ for those coming to my country with their eyes wide open.

A bit from my private life:

I got married a great girl from Pilsen (the city where Pilsner Urquell, the original World famous lager was brewed in 1842) and I have two amazing and smart children and a mid size dog Molly.
My son Daniel is in Czech National rugby team and my doughter Linda does gymnastics.
|We all live in a disctrict Prague 6, very close to Prague Castle so we go there very often to see it in different seasons.
I love hiking and ice hockey which I play with a group of my old fellows.
We all love travelling around the Czech Republic and I would be pleased to show you the beauties of it…

Look forward to greeting you in Prague 

Welcome to Prague

A charming place full of stories. Let me help you to make your visit of Prague and The Czech Republic enjoyable and unforgettable.
Different Things To Do
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Satisfied Customers
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Year Of Work